


We were able to organise a successful fundraising campaign at the Belleville infirmary in Bobo Dioulasso – we would like to thank all our donors and supporters who made this possible! Read more here.

If you would like to find out more about our delegation trip to Bobo Dioulasso this year and our visit to the FESTICO (cultural festival in Bobo), visit the FESTICO 2024 report page

!!! The Woka Kuma Festival 2024 will take place this year on the weekend of 07 and 08 September 2024 in the Forum Factrory in Kreuzberg!!!

Concerts, dance workshop, discussion and African food await you! Save the date!

Next year we will also start a fundraising campaign for needs in Bobo Dioulasso – we are grateful for any contribution:

Any amount to support the local population can be sent to the association account with the term ‘Donation Burkina Faso’.

If you know people in your environment who are interested in our commitment and would like to support our donation project, we would be happy to hear from you or to receive a donation on our association account.

Account holder: Woka-Kuma Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE11 1009 0000 2768 8690 09

Purpose: Donation Burkina Faso 2022


About Woka Kuma Festival Berlin, follow the link here  or on Facebook