Dance workshops with children

“In love with nature – intercultural dance exploration of the environment”

The Woka Kuma Festival is not only about music, culture and exchange, but also about cultural education for children and young people! This year, we were once again able to organize a three-part project with an elementary school, secondary school and daycare centre.

In the project “In love with nature – intercultural dance-based engagement with the environment”, a total of over 50 children took part in dance workshops during project weeks and vacation programs. Supported by the federal program “Kultur macht stark” (Culture makes you strong), an understanding of nature and Burkina Faso was developed as part of the “Chance Tanz” funding program. Together with the Woka-Kuma Association, several alliance partners were acquired for this, such as the Kulturmarkthalle and the Gustave Eiffel Oberschule, the youth welfare organization Jugendwohnen im Kiez, the comprehensive school Campus Rütli and the integration daycare center “Hand in Hand” in Köpenick.

Using the method of dance theater, scenes were developed that depict the coexistence of people and nature. First of all, observations are made in the forest/park/yard in the neighborhood to perceive the nature around them and then experiences are acted out in dance exercises and a piece is developed. The learning objective was to approach current topics such as biodiversity and environmental protection and to deal with one’s own role in nature.